By ensuring your equipment meets specification and is fit-for-purpose, you can not only stay compliant, you can reduce downtime, extend plant life, improve operating efficiency and reduce operating costs.
At SAC Compliance, we provide a unique service related to engineering compliance. We focus on governance of your engineering contractors to ensure that statutory examinations are scheduled and that those schedules met. Statutory examinations and maintenance works inevitably uncover issues that need to be actioned. We ensure that any defects, or other remedials, remain on the agenda until they are closed out.
We coordinate of all this work and collate your records, freeing up your key resources, providing peace of mind and keeping you audit ready.
Our engineering compliance services cover Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment (LOLER), Pressure Systems and Racking Systems.
- Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER)
Our Engineering Compliance team have extensive experience with PUWER. We have carried out assessments at manufacturing facilities across the province.
The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) place duties on employers who own, operate or have control over work equipment. PUWER also places responsibilities on organisations whose employees use work equipment, whether owned by them or not.
'Work equipment' can be defined as any equipment, machinery, appliance, apparatus, tool or installation for use at work, this definition includes work equipment used to lift loads (and falling under the lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations).
'Use' can be defined as the starting, stopping, programming, setting, transporting, repairing, modifying, maintaining, servicing and cleaning of work equipment.
The regulations cover different types of equipment including new, second-hand, hired or leased.
Within our team, we have qualified and experienced personnel who can undertake a program of work to ensure that each item of work equipment you specify is subject to an assessment based on requirements of PUWER.
The assessment process will consider if the work equipment is
- Suitable for the intended use
- Safe for use and maintained in a safe condition
- Inspected to ensure it is correctly installed and does not subsequently deteriorate
- Used only by people who have received adequate information, instruction and training
- Equipped with suitable protective devices and controls fitted e.g. emergency stop devices, means of isolation, markings and warning devices and guards.
The assessment process documents whether the requirements of PUWER have or have not been met. Recommendations are made accordingly.
In addition to Inspections and Assessments under PUWER, we can also:
- Write policies and procedures
- Produce asset registers
- Manage remedial work
- Provide training